Products That Support Personal And Planet Health | Clean And Green

Many consumers make the link between the health of the environment and their own health. This has produced a change in the definition of a healthy diet, which nowadays not only includes qualities linked to nutrition and clean labelling, but also to sustainability. Consumers are more attentive to ingredient listings and focus on realness and authenticity because they want reassurance that the food and drink they purchase are not harmful to themselves or the wider environment. 

Concerns about the state of the environment are indeed having a greater influence on purchasing habits than ever before. One in two consumers globally said to have made changes to their diets in the last two years to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. These changes include reducing food waste, buying organically grown ingredients, shop more locally, checking out environmental labels on the packaging, but also limiting the intake of dairy and meat. 

More than ever there is an interest in the story behind the products we consume. 

Product concepts on clean and green

Plant-based fruit smoothie

Plant-based fruit smoothie

Introducing FROO, a refreshing plant-based fruit smoothie made with love and care. We sourced the finest quality ingredients from rice to create a guilt-free beverage that caters to all taste buds and brings dairy-free deliciousness. With every sip you’ll enjoy a creamy texture and delightful taste. 

Vegetarian chicken alternative

Vegetarian chicken alternative

This vegetarian chicken alternative is here to bring you a flavourful and ethical choice for your meals. Thanks to wheat proteins it brings the same satisfying texture and flavour as its meaty counterpart, all without the chicken and no artificial ingredients either. 

Gluten-free biscuit

Gluten-free biscuit

Here’s a tasty choice for a healthier snack option. The baked-in fibre and ancient faba bean proteins bring you a healthy portion of positive nutrients, while its lemony taste will thrill your taste buds. On top of it all, it’s a naturally gluten-free recipe. Enjoy! 

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