Food trends and market research

In a fast paced consumer market, BENEO continuously analyses market developments and consumer research in the food industry. This is how we stay on top of our ingredient game. Find inspiration in trends for product development by discovering our trend pages. Global key trends offer insights on worldwide topics, while “trends in the spotlight” dives deeper into markets and data.

  • Gut power
    Consumers recognize that gut health is key to achieving holistic.
  • Plant preference
    Today the vegan claim especially is recording a steady increase in new product innovation activities.
  • Conscious indulgence
    Finding health and indulgence in the same bite.
  • Adventurous consumers
    Create excitement with plant-based ingredients.
  • Mental Health
    Consumers look to everyday food and drinks to boost their mental health.
  • Positive nutrition
    Consumers are demonstrating a strong belief in the healing power of foods.
  • Clean and green
    Personal health starts with planet health.